
Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences

Miriam Cooper

Overview of the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences

The Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) is a prestigious institution located in Gifu, Japan, dedicated to providing a cutting-edge education in the field of media arts and sciences. Established in 2001, IAMAS is known for its innovative approach to education, research, and the exploration of new technologies. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, creative expression, and technological advancements, IAMAS offers a dynamic learning environment that prepares students to excel in the ever-evolving world of media arts.

Founding History

IAMAS was founded with the vision of fostering creativity, embracing technology, and pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Its establishment aimed to address the growing need for an institution that combines art, science, and technology to create immersive and interactive experiences. The institute’s founding principles emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, experimentation, and the exploration of new media possibilities.

Since its inception, IAMAS has been at the forefront of media arts and sciences, producing talented artists, researchers, and technologists. The institute continues to uphold its founding principles and remains committed to shaping the future of media arts through education, research, and the development of groundbreaking projects.


IAMAS offers a diverse range of departments, each focusing on different aspects of media arts and sciences. With a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, these departments provide students with a comprehensive education that combines artistic expression, scientific inquiry, and technological innovation. Let’s take a closer look at some of the notable departments available at IAMAS:

  • Media Creation: This department focuses on the creation of media art projects, including interactive installations, video art, and multimedia performances. Students explore various artistic mediums, experiment with new technologies, and develop their creative voices.
  • Media Science: In this department, students delve into the scientific aspects of media arts, including human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and data visualization. They conduct research, analyze user experiences, and contribute to the development of innovative media technologies.
  • Media Architecture: This department explores the intersection of architecture, technology, and media arts. Students learn to design immersive environments, interactive spaces, and responsive installations that redefine the relationship between physical and digital worlds.
  • Media Information: In this department, students study the theoretical and practical aspects of media information, including media theory, media history, and media criticism. They analyze the social and cultural impact of media arts, contribute to critical discourse, and explore new media possibilities.
  • Media Design: This department focuses on the design aspects of media arts, including user interface design, interaction design, and visual communication. Students learn to create engaging user experiences, develop user-centered designs, and contribute to the evolution of media design practices.

These departments represent just a fraction of the diverse range of disciplines available at IAMAS. The institute’s commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, creative exploration, and technological innovation creates an educational environment that prepares students to push the boundaries of media arts and contribute to the advancement of the field.

Courses Offered

IAMAS offers a wide variety of courses designed to cater to students’ diverse interests and career aspirations in media arts and sciences. Whether one is pursuing a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree, there are numerous options available. Let’s explore some of the fascinating courses offered at this esteemed institution:

  • Media Art Creation: In this course, students focus on the creation of media art projects, including interactive installations, video art, and multimedia performances. They experiment with various artistic mediums, learn new technologies, and develop their creative visions.
  • Media Science and Technology: This course delves into the scientific aspects of media arts, including human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and data visualization. Students conduct research, analyze user experiences, and contribute to the development of innovative media technologies.
  • Media Architecture and Design: In this course, students explore the intersection of architecture, technology, and media arts. They learn to design immersive environments, interactive spaces, and responsive installations that redefine the relationship between physical and digital worlds.
  • Media Theory and Criticism: This course focuses on the theoretical and critical aspects of media arts, including media theory, media history, and media criticism. Students analyze the social and cultural impact of media arts, contribute to critical discourse, and explore new media possibilities.
  • Media Design and Interaction: In this course, students specialize in media design, including user interface design, interaction design, and visual communication. They learn to create engaging user experiences, develop user-centered designs, and contribute to the evolution of media design practices.

These courses represent just a fraction of the diverse range of options available at IAMAS. Whether one’s passion lies in media art creation, media science and technology, media architecture and design, media theory and criticism, or media design and interaction, there are specialized courses tailored to develop talented artists, innovative researchers, and technologically adept individuals.


The Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences stands as a symbol of creativity, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of media arts and sciences. With a rich history and a commitment to providing a comprehensive education, IAMAS has become a leading institution dedicated to producing talented artists, researchers, and technologists. The diverse departments and extensive range of courses provide students with a transformative educational experience that fosters artistic expression, scientific inquiry, and technological innovation. As IAMAS continues to shape the future through education, research, and the development of groundbreaking projects, it empowers students to become pioneers in the field of media arts, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression and contributing to the advancement of society.

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