
International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies

Miriam Cooper

Overview of International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies

The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, located in Tokyo, Japan, is a distinguished institution dedicated to the advanced study and research of Buddhist philosophy, culture, and practices. Established in [year], the college has built a strong reputation for its commitment to academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and the preservation of Buddhist heritage. The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies offers a unique and specialized curriculum, renowned faculty, and a supportive academic community to ensure students receive an exceptional education. With a focus on nurturing scholars and practitioners, fostering cross-cultural dialogue, and advancing Buddhist scholarship, the college prepares graduates to contribute to the promotion and preservation of Buddhist wisdom and traditions.

Founding History

The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies was founded with the vision of creating an institution that would serve as an international center for advanced Buddhist studies and research. The college was established by a group of renowned Buddhist scholars, practitioners, and philanthropists who recognized the need for an institution that would provide a platform for the comprehensive study of Buddhism in its various dimensions. With a commitment to academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and the preservation of Buddhist heritage, the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies was born.

Since its establishment, the college has remained dedicated to its founding principles and has continually evolved to meet the changing needs of Buddhist scholarship and global society. The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies actively collaborates with renowned Buddhist institutions worldwide, engages in cutting-edge research, and offers specialized programs to ensure students receive a comprehensive education. With a commitment to academic excellence, intercultural dialogue, and the preservation and promotion of Buddhist wisdom, the college prepares graduates to become leaders in the field of Buddhist studies and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist scholarship and practices.


The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies offers a range of departments, each specializing in a specific area of Buddhist studies. These departments provide students with a comprehensive education that combines rigorous academic inquiry with practical engagement, ensuring they are well-prepared to advance the understanding and practice of Buddhism. Let’s explore some of the notable departments available at the college:

  • Department of Buddhist Philosophy: This department focuses on the study of Buddhist philosophy, providing students with a deep understanding of the core philosophical teachings and concepts of Buddhism. Students explore various Buddhist traditions, engage in critical analysis of Buddhist texts, and develop skills in philosophical inquiry and analysis.
  • Department of Buddhist Art and Culture: In this department, students specialize in the study of Buddhist art, architecture, and culture, focusing on the exploration and preservation of Buddhist heritage. Students gain knowledge of Buddhist artistic expressions, engage in the analysis of Buddhist artifacts, and develop skills in cultural preservation and interpretation.
  • Department of Buddhist Studies: This department focuses on interdisciplinary Buddhist studies, providing students with a broad understanding of the historical, social, and cultural aspects of Buddhism. Students explore various dimensions of Buddhist traditions, engage in research on Buddhist texts and practices, and develop skills in interdisciplinary scholarship and cultural exchange.
  • Department of Buddhist Languages: In this department, students specialize in the study of Buddhist languages, such as Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese. Students gain proficiency in Buddhist textual languages, engage in translation and interpretation of Buddhist texts, and develop skills in linguistic analysis and research.
  • Department of Buddhist Ethics: This department focuses on the study of Buddhist ethics, providing students with knowledge of ethical principles and practices derived from Buddhist teachings. Students explore moral dilemmas, engage in the analysis of ethical codes, and develop skills in ethical reasoning and application.

These departments represent just a fraction of the diverse range of disciplines available at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. The college’s commitment to academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and the preservation and promotion of Buddhist wisdom creates an educational environment that prepares students to become leaders in the field of Buddhist studies and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist scholarship and practices.

Courses Offered

The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies offers a wide variety of courses designed to cater to students’ diverse interests and research goals within the field of Buddhist studies. Whether pursuing a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, there are numerous options available. Let’s explore some of the fascinating courses offered at this esteemed college:

  • Master of Buddhist Philosophy: This program provides students with a comprehensive education in Buddhist philosophy, covering areas such as metaphysics, epistemology, and ethical teachings. Students engage in critical analysis of Buddhist texts, develop research skills, and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist philosophical inquiry.
  • Master of Buddhist Art and Culture: This program focuses on the study of Buddhist art, architecture, and culture, providing students with knowledge of various artistic expressions and cultural practices within Buddhism. Students engage in the preservation and interpretation of Buddhist heritage, conduct research on Buddhist artifacts, and contribute to the understanding and appreciation of Buddhist art and culture.
  • Master of Buddhist Studies: This program focuses on interdisciplinary Buddhist studies, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the historical, social, and cultural aspects of Buddhism. Students engage in research on Buddhist texts and practices, develop interdisciplinary research skills, and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist studies through their scholarly work.
  • Master of Buddhist Languages: This program focuses on the study of Buddhist languages, providing students with proficiency in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, or Chinese. Students engage in translation and interpretation of Buddhist texts, develop linguistic analysis skills, and contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist wisdom through their linguistic scholarship.
  • Master of Buddhist Ethics: This program focuses on the study of Buddhist ethics, providing students with knowledge of ethical principles and practices derived from Buddhist teachings. Students engage in the analysis of ethical codes, develop skills in ethical reasoning, and contribute to the application of Buddhist ethics in contemporary society.

These courses represent just a fraction of the diverse range of options available at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies. Whether students choose to pursue a master’s degree or a doctoral degree, they receive comprehensive and specialized education that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and intercultural understanding needed to advance the understanding and practice of Buddhism.


The International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies stands as a symbol of academic excellence, intercultural understanding, and the preservation and promotion of Buddhist wisdom in Tokyo, Japan. With a commitment to providing advanced Buddhist studies and research opportunities, fostering cross-cultural dialogue, and advancing Buddhist scholarship and practices, the college prepares graduates to become leaders in the field of Buddhist studies and contribute to the preservation and promotion of Buddhist traditions. The specialized departments and diverse range of courses offered at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that combines rigorous academic inquiry with practical engagement. As the college continues to uphold its founding principles and collaborate with renowned Buddhist institutions worldwide, it empowers graduates to become scholars and practitioners who drive the advancement of Buddhist scholarship and make meaningful contributions to the understanding and practice of Buddhism.

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